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07 Sept 2023

Update! Now with numbered Pages! If I ever make a journal section for my comic, I think I'll add a website updates section, I saw another webcomic do it and I thought it was really cool.

While studying other sites I've discovered cool things on how sites are structured and made.

One of those cool little things is how a webcomic displays their latest page. How do you do that? how do you change the link of your latest page to every page on your webcomic site?

There are lots of ways, but a really simple is to not by changing the link on the button, but to instead change the page the button links to!

I am doing it right now! This page is the actual comic page. But if you go to the previous page and use the latest button, you'll see the URL actually changed!

This will probably not be relevant the moment I upload a new page. But if you're here while it's still like this, you've witnessed history, tell your grandkids! Pass it down generations! Carve in stone this neat little internet trick.